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Guide on How to Prevent DNS Leaks When Using a VPN

Guide on How to Prevent DNS Leaks When Using a VPN

We all resort to VPNs for that added layer of privacy they offer in our online explorations, entrusting them with the job of keeping our browsing activities under wraps. However, even the seemingly foolproof shield of a VPN can have its own chinks. An improperly configured VPN can betray some crucial metadata about your online trail, such as the domains you visit and the timestamps of your visits, courtesy of a vulnerability known as a DNS leak.

In this article, we aim to unravel the details of DNS leaks - what they are and how they could potentially turn your private browsing sessions' metadata into open books. More importantly, we will venture into the various strategies to mitigate the risks associated with DNS leaks while using a VPN. The goal is to ensure that your online adventures remain private and secure, just as you intended when you opted for a VPN.

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What is a VPN Kill Switch and Why It's a Must-Have

What is a VPN Kill Switch and Why It's a Must-Have

In today's world, we hear a lot about online risks like hacking and data theft. One way people protect themselves online is by using a Virtual Private Network, or VPN for short. A VPN helps keep your internet use private and secure by hiding your real location and making it hard for anyone to snoop on your online activities. It can also help you access websites that you can't normally get to because of where you're located.

But there's another important feature of VPNs that many people don't know about: the kill switch. Think of it like the seat belt in your car - it’s there to protect you in case something goes wrong. If your VPN connection ever fails, the kill switch stops your device from connecting to the internet, so your private information doesn't get exposed.

So why should you care about a kill switch? In this article, we’ll talk about what exactly a kill switch is, why it’s super important if you're using a VPN, and how to make sure your VPN has one.

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NGINX Security Guide: Essential Measures and Optimal Practices

NGINX Security Guide: Essential Measures and Optimal Practices

NGINX is more than just a web server; it's an open-source software suite that offers a myriad of services, including reverse proxy, load balancing, and HTTP caching. Initially released in 2004, it has gained a reputation for its robustness, high-performance capabilities, and architectural simplicity. Its event-driven architecture allows it to handle large volumes of traffic with ease, making it a go-to solution for businesses of all sizes. According to industry surveys and data, NGINX is one of the top players in the web server market, often compared favorably to other industry stalwarts like Apache and Microsoft's IIS.

Given NGINX's crucial role in today's digital landscape - serving as the backbone for numerous high-traffic websites, API endpoints, and cloud-based services - securing it should be a top priority for system administrators and developers alike. The aim of this article is to equip you with the absolute musts and best practices for fortifying your NGINX server's security posture.

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Bitwarden VPS Setup Guide: The Open-Source Password Management Solution

Bitwarden VPS Setup Guide: The Open-Source Password Management Solution

How many times did you type in a password today? Whether it was for sifting through morning emails, completing a swift bank transaction at midday, or diving into a movie stream by nightfall, passwords punctuate our daily digital activities. These combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols are not just mere access keys; they're the barriers that protect our most personal information from the prying eyes of cybercriminals. As the number of online services we use grows, so does our list of passwords. Remembering them all, especially when they should be unique and complex for each service, becomes a task in itself. This is where the importance of secure password management comes into play.

Bitwarden is a straightforward, open-source password manager that securely stores your important credentials. In today's digital age with many risks, Bitwarden provides a safe place for your passwords, keeping them encrypted and out of reach from hackers. So, what is Bitwarden and how does it protect your information?

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Unmasking Crypto Dusting: The Invisible Threat to Privacy You Might Not Know About

Unmasking Crypto Dusting: The Invisible Threat to Privacy You Might Not Know About

As active participants in the cryptocurrency sphere, we all appreciate the blend of innovation, privacy, and financial potential that it offers. However, just as in traditional finance, this dynamic ecosystem has its unique set of challenges and threats. Today, we will looks closely into one such concern that is getting increasingly widespread — dusting attacks.

In the simplest terms, a dusting attack refers to a situation where an individual or an entity receives a tiny, almost negligible amount of cryptocurrency, often termed as 'dust,' in their digital wallet from an unknown source. This dust, however, isn't an insignificant windfall; instead, it's a strategic move made by malicious actors intending to breach the privacy of cryptocurrency users.

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