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SoftEther VPN: VPS Installation Guide Using Docker

SoftEther VPN: VPS Installation Guide Using Docker

In today's digital age, keeping our online activities safe and private is super important. That's where VPNs, or Virtual Private Networks, come to the rescue! But here's the thing – not all VPNs are created equal. Some brilliant minds spotted these differences and thought, "Why not make a better one?" Say hello to SoftEther VPN.

Born from the innovative minds at Japan's University of Tsukuba, SoftEther was designed to go beyond the usual VPN limitations. Instead of just one method, it gives users a variety of options to pick what's best for them. Plus, since it's open-source, anyone can jump in and help make it better!

So, ready to learn more about this awesome VPN and how to set it up on your Virtual Private Server (VPS)? Let's get started! In this article, we'll explore what makes SoftEther special, see how it stands against other VPNs, and guide you on setting it up on a Virtual Private Server (VPS). Let's dive in.

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Guide on How to Prevent DNS Leaks When Using a VPN

Guide on How to Prevent DNS Leaks When Using a VPN

We all resort to VPNs for that added layer of privacy they offer in our online explorations, entrusting them with the job of keeping our browsing activities under wraps. However, even the seemingly foolproof shield of a VPN can have its own chinks. An improperly configured VPN can betray some crucial metadata about your online trail, such as the domains you visit and the timestamps of your visits, courtesy of a vulnerability known as a DNS leak.

In this article, we aim to unravel the details of DNS leaks - what they are and how they could potentially turn your private browsing sessions' metadata into open books. More importantly, we will venture into the various strategies to mitigate the risks associated with DNS leaks while using a VPN. The goal is to ensure that your online adventures remain private and secure, just as you intended when you opted for a VPN.

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Understanding VPN Protocols: Which One Should You Use?

Understanding VPN Protocols: Which One Should You Use?

VPN has become a vital part of our digital lives. Every day, millions of people around the globe use VPNs for various reasons - some are trying to keep their internet connections secure, others are looking to get around blocks that limit which websites they can visit based on where they're located, and still others want to browse the internet without being tracked. But it's important to know that not all VPNs are created equal. One big difference between them is the protocols they use. These protocols are like a set of rules and technologies that determine how your data moves from your device to the VPN server and then to the website you're trying to reach.

In this article, we'll break down the details of different VPN protocols like OpenVPN, WireGuard, and some special cases like Shadowsocks, which isn't a full VPN but gets the job done for most people. We'll cover what these protocols are, why they're important for keeping you safe online, and how to figure out which one is the best fit for your needs. We'll also compare the pros and cons of each one to make your choice easier. Our aim is to give you the practical advice and information you need so you can make a smart decision about which VPN protocol to use.

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Strategies for Avoiding Google's reCAPTCHA while Using a VPN

Strategies for Avoiding Google's reCAPTCHA while Using a VPN

Imagine this scenario: you're leisurely browsing online, with your dependable VPN serving as a protective shield for your privacy and data. All of a sudden – snap! You're blindsided by Google reCAPTCHA. Instead of peacefully navigating the digital waves, you're caught up in an ironic task of convincing an AI that you are, indeed, not an AI. This isn't a rare occurrence. It transpires repeatedly, particularly when you're part of a large group sharing the same VPN IP address, such as within an extensive office network.

Your trusty VPN is designed to provide an added layer of security, making your online experience safer and more private. However, the constant interruptions by reCAPTCHA have you engaged in a seemingly infinite round of 'identify the crosswalk' or 'select all the bicycles,' turning a once seamless browsing session into an ongoing verification game.

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Shadowsocks VPN: A Gateway to Censor-Free Internet

Shadowsocks VPN: A Gateway to Censor-Free Internet

In the modern era, the Internet is indispensable. It's our go-to for everything from education and work, to leisure and social connections. However, not all of this digital universe is freely accessible. In numerous regions, heavy-handed internet censorship is exercised by governments or large entities, limiting what can be viewed or shared online. Websites can be blocked, specific content can be filtered out, and online activities can be closely monitored. This control is often justified on grounds of political, religious, or moral beliefs, or on the premise of national security. Unfortunately, such censorship infringes on the intended openness of the internet.

In response to this challenge, a tool known as Shadowsocks has been developed. Its primary purpose is to break through these digital barricades and uphold the principle of a free and open internet. An added bonus is that Shadowsocks can facilitate the undetected use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), providing users with an additional layer of privacy. This article will delve into the details of Shadowsocks—its origins, how it works, and its pivotal role in the contemporary pursuit of digital freedom.

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