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Speed Test: Measure Your Connection to COIN.HOST Servers

Speed Test: Measure Your Connection to COIN.HOST Servers

We are excited to announce the launch of our new Speed Test Widget, a tool designed to provide you, our valued clients, with real-time data on the network speed between your devices and our server located in Zurich, Switzerland. This widget measures download and upload speeds, jitter, and ping, offering a comprehensive picture of the connection quality between your desktop, laptop or mobile device and COIN.HOST's network, which is particularly useful for our VPN customers. Here's what parameters are measured:

  • Download Speed: Tells you how fast data can be downloaded from our server to your device, crucial for tasks like file downloads, video streaming, and website loading.

  • Upload Speed: Indicates how quickly data can be sent from your device to our server, important for activities such as file uploading, video conferencing, or online gaming.

  • Jitter: Measures the variability in latency, helping you understand the stability of your connection. Lower jitter values mean a more stable connection, which is critical for real-time applications like VoIP calls and online gaming.

  • Ping: This is the latency or delay in milliseconds between sending a request from your device and receiving a response from our server. Lower ping values are better for almost all types of online interactions, especially where real-time communication is essential.

It's crucial to highlight that although our servers come with a 10 Gbps connection, the speed you actually encounter can differ due to a variety of factors. These include the Internet connection speed at your location, your local network quality, and even your device's specifications, all of which can impact the measured speed.

Therefore, while the Speed Test Widget provides a snapshot of the speed between your device and our server, it may not necessarily reflect the overall performance you can expect in a real-world scenario. Nevertheless, we believe that this tool will serve as a valuable asset in understanding the capabilities of our server infrastructure and help you make the most of our services.

We invite you to try out the new Speed Test Widget and welcome any feedback you may have as we continue to improve and innovate in our offerings: Thank you for choosing COIN.HOST, and we look forward to continuing to provide you with top-tier service.

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Article Summary

What parameters does the Speed Test Widget measure?

The Speed Test Widget measures four key parameters: download speed, upload speed, jitter, and ping. These metrics help you understand how fast data can be transferred between your device and our server, as well as the stability and latency of the connection.

Why would the Speed Test Widget be useful for VPN customers?

VPN customers value a stable and fast connection for activities such as secure browsing, streaming, and transferring data. Our Speed Test Widget allows VPN users to get an idea of the expected speed and quality of their VPN connection to our servers. This information helps them make better-informed choices about how to optimize their VPN usage for the best performance.

What does the download speed parameter indicate?

Download speed tells you how quickly data can be transferred from our server to your device. It's a critical metric for tasks like downloading files, streaming videos, and loading websites.

What is the importance of measuring upload speed?

Upload speed indicates how fast you can send data from your device to our server. It's important for activities like uploading files, video conferencing, and online gaming.

Can you explain what jitter is and why it matters?

Jitter measures the variability in latency, or in simple terms, how much the network delay varies over time. A low jitter value means a more stable connection, which is particularly important for real-time applications like VoIP calls and online gaming.

What does the ping parameter measure?

Ping measures the latency or delay in milliseconds between sending a request from your device and receiving a response from our server. A lower ping value is better for almost all types of online interactions.

Why might the speeds measured by the widget differ from what I experience in real-world scenarios?

The speeds you experience may vary due to several factors such as your local Internet connection, the quality of your local network, and your device specifications. While our server has a 10 Gbps connection, these other factors can affect the speed measurement.

How can I start using the Speed Test Widget to measure my connection to COIN.HOST servers?

You can start using the Speed Test Widget by visiting To initiate the test, simply click the 'Run Test' button located at the bottom of the widget.
